Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beautiful at 15

Sarah is in high school and is turning into a beautiful young woman. She is interested in languages- Spanish; mostly because her fathers family is from Coima, Mexico and spanish is their first language. She has taken on more hispanic traits and is tall like her father( Lucio Hernandez) also her great- grand father ( Sanford Stanley Sumruld). I hope that this interest will give her many options in her futer, maybe she can work in foriegn counties with embassadors or as an interputer. She has mentioned the FBI, way to set your goals high. Her school is the East High ( the oldest high school in Denver; which also has graduated many famous people,take alook for yourself She is a freshman and is struggling to keep up with such aload. (Pictures will be up-loaded just as soon as I get them printed)

1 comment:

The Alaska Coyles said...

This is wonderful about Sarah. I can't wait to see pictures.